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Lightroom Hacks | Photography Tips by Cassidy Lynne

Here are some things that I do as a professional photographer that make my life 10x easier. So here are my Lightroom Hacks!
– When I want to make a photo black and white, I right click on the photo and choose Create Virtual Copy. Then I’ll have both black and white and a color photo.
– When I want to quickly crop something I just press the R button on my keyboard.
– Press the slash key on your keyboard to give you a before and after of your image.
– To check your consistency, use the reference tool. When you click on the RA button it’s going to let you see one photo that you can choose as a reference and then your current photo.
– If I ever feel like my edit is too intense, I can use the preset intensity slider and drag it down to like 90%.
– To quickly edit multiple photos at once, select one photo with an edit, click shift and select all the photos you want to edit and then go to the sync option and just hit synchronize.
– If there’s a specific color you want to edit, hit the eyedropper tool and pick any color in your photo and as you hold that down you can see what color it is that you’ve selected.

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